TECHNICAL RESCUE - Search & Rescue

Description:  This course stresses the importance of pre-planning for search and rescue, search management, tactics, incident command and victim evacuation. Additional information will be sent to each registrant upon enrollment acceptance. Students will participate in a field search session. 
Course Hours:  16
Refresher Hours:  8
Basic Course Prerequisites: 
· Minimum 16 years of age
· Students must supply own protective gear which is to include:
- walking boots or hiking type boots
- canteen
- compass
- foul weather gear (rain type gear)
- appropriate clothing
- small knap sack for weather (extra socks)
- whistle
- gloves (leather type or personal preference to ensure hand protection
Instructor Course Prerequisites: 
· MINIMUM of 18 years of age
· MUST hold current Search & Rescue certification
· MUST have taken and passed the VDEM Field Team Member class
· MUST have successfully completed the Search & Rescue pre-test with a score of 80
· MUST provide own protective gear (see above)
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