LEAD/ADMIN - EMS Leadership Challenge Summit
Description: All organizations need effective leadership to ensure success and the EMS Leadership Challenge is designed to help you develop the skills needed to coordinate the functions of an EMS team. This 4-Phase program focuses on interpersonal, operational, self-management and technical skills enhancement. The EMS Leadership Challenge, developed by the VAVRS, is recognized by VA Office of EMS as the Gold Standard in EMS Leadership training. Candidates utilize core leadership competencies during this exciting and interactive training program. Phase One- Candidates complete an online self-assessment and pre-summit reading assignment; Phase Two- Attend the EMS Leadership Summit, a two-day classroom session working with peer EMS leaders and professional leadership development consultants; Phase Three- Work with a personal mentor to complete self-study assignments; and Phase Four- Complete and present an EMS Leadership Project. This program is recommended for all EMS personnel who have the desire to develop and take their leadership skills to the highest level. VA College credits are available upon completion of the program.
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